Manage Your Retail Business

The Grownu time tracking system allows retail businesses to effectively schedule employee shifts. Use the workforce management system to share schedules and digitaly track worked hours.

Planning is a key to success

Grownu schedule module and sift features are time-saving tools for any retail business. Create shifts, see unassigned time slots, assign tasks and more - everything to effectively plan weeks and months in advance. The user-friendly calendar displays upcoming events, alerts about schedule changes, holidays and business closures.

Tracking overtime

Overtime is a crucial factor to track in retail businesses as it can cut into company budgets. Use Grownu to set allowable overtime, calculate overtime for the day or week, and customize alerts to notify the management team. Input your method of calculating overtime (percentage, fixed amount or other methods).

Motivate your staff

Employees can use the Grownu mobile Application to track their logged time, set goals and see progress. Build a KPI system for your employees to provide feedback, display hours worked, and set your own markers to boost company motivation.

Advanced reporting

Export advanced data to see how your retail business compares to past seasons or other shops. Easily share the data with employees or managers to determine methods to increase efficiency and productivity with the workforce management system.

Workforce management solutions for retail businesses:

  • Calendar for upcoming work

  • Schedule shifts for each business and employee

  • Time tracking to log each minute

  • Logbook to review all logged entries

  • Customized alerts

  • Advanced reporting to easily review and compare

  • Kiosk for quick employee identification

  • Mobile APP - access anytime, anywhere

Paper plane flying as an associative image of sending an image

Contact Grownu Sales Team

Contact the team to start scheduling shifts and track the work time now!

See if Grownu is right for you with a free, fully-functional trial!

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